Events on Facebook™
Once uploaded, Photos can be edited and organized into categories and published to an event. Links to the event can then be emailed or posted to over 200 social sites like Facebook, Twitter™, and MySpace™. Consumers click the link to bring them to a Photogize EventsPro site where they can view the photos and purchase prints and specialty photo products.
Consistent Products and Workflow
Because Photogize EventsPro is based on PhotoCentral 4, all PC4 print products, specialty products, and finishing options are available to consumers on your PRO site. Offer 8x10 prints, framed posters, keepsake calendars, or heirloom books. And fulfill them using the familiar, award-winning Photogize workflow.
Content publishers can use Photogize EventsPro to pre-create Specialty Products, like calendars, books, and Premium DVDs with the uploaded event albums. These Ready-to-Order products can be shared to the same email lists and social sites. Now consumers can purchase a calendar or book of an event with the click of a button. There is no limit to the number of specialty projects you can create, publish and sell in Photogize EventsPro.
• 100% Macintosh and Windows compatibility
• Optional watermarking
• Optional Turbo upload; optimize for 4x6, 5x7, or 8x10 print sizes
• Optional password protection for consumer site entry
• Share events via or email or post event links on over 200 social sites like Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace.
• Share Read-to-Order projects via email or on social sites
• Consumers can view and order without logging in or joining service
Introducing Photogize EventsPro
Photogize EventsPro is an online event and portrait commerce service for photographers and retailers.
Works like PhotoCentral
Based on the award winning PhotoCentral photo commerce site, Photogize EventsPro provides unique opportunities for content publishers.
Photogize EventsPro provides tools for photographers to upload, aggregate and publish photos to event web sites. Furthermore, Photogize EventsPro offers some unique features designed to dramatically increase viral viewing and specialty product sales.
Compatible and Powerful
Photographers access Photogize EventsPro on a Macintosh or Windows PC using their favorite browser. Photo uploads can be watermarked for security, sampled for speed, and are efficiently uploaded in batches to our world-class, tier one data center in Herndon, Virgina.